
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Baby's budget items

There are about a thousand different sites, stores, and programs that offer different ideas of the best prices. If you qualify (see their requirements), WIC, can be a great way to take care of your needs. Most of us are financially well enough to be on our own, so we get to hunt out the best deals and salvage items from friend, family, and co-workers.

If you are expecting, or have kids, it is always a good idea to take a look at pricing and trends in your area in order to get the best deals. Here is what I have found.

Diapers - Social butterfly moms will do well on They often have codes that you can share for savings and in turn, will give you savings. For me, Amazon's subscribe and save program has made it easy for me to get a $40.00 box of Luvs for about $26.00... Store brand items can also help you save money, but I would suggest buying a smaller package before committing yourself to an item that may not work.

Wipes - Costco or Sam's Club have brands that save you a few bucks. Sam's club wipes work well for my baby. Dollar Tree has 80 wipes in a package with Care Bears on it. While these work fine as well, they do contain alcohol and may be too much for a rash or other types of sensitive baby bottom.

Formula - We all know breast -feeding is best, but if you need formula, Sam's Club and Wall- mart have brands that have the same added vitamins and minerals as bigger name brands. Powdered formula is cheaper to purchase. If you are stuck on a name brand, search websites and stores for the best deal and buy in bulk.

Food - It is easiest to make your own. Most items you make at home can be softened, cut up, or modified for your baby. If you are going to get baby food, look for sales and buy in bulk. Food clubs will most likely not have better deals than a grocery store, but you can keep your eye out for coupons.  

Clothes - Goodwill has 50% off Saturdays were you can find baby clothes. Get there early and only choose items that are in decent shape. You can also go any day of the week and shop for the items that are on sale for the day. Goodwill picks one tag color every day that has a 50% discount.  Hit up outlet mall baby stores and head for the clearance rack. Shop for clothes out of season (i.e. - Shop in the fall for summer clothes for the following year.) Some stores have coupons and stamp cards that can help you save even more. Find a friend to go with to split the minimum purchase price and make it more manageable if you need to. Also, ask the sales associates when things get marked down. Most retailers do this once a week on a particular day and the sales attendants are usually willing to share what they know.

Don't be afraid to ask friends and co-workers with young children if they know of anyone who has baby clothes that they are selling. Lots of people have a box of clothes sitting in a closet that they will just give to you if you ask, or will sell to you for a decent price.

On your search to take care of your baby, just remember to be courteous, inquisitive, and love your baby. Things don't have to be name brand to be good, they just have to do the job well.

Additional Sites for Savings Coupons and discount codes - Amazon's Baby Section

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