
Sunday, June 1, 2014

A Little Engine, A Little Late

I have paid little attention to this blog although I do think about it a lot.  It seems that the best ideas I have are when I am driving, running errands, staring out of the window or taking a shower.  I hardly ever recall the brilliant and eloquently worded ponderings that I want to share with the world in the form of a post.

I recently got a smart phone. This makes taking photos of great deals and posting them an easier task, but I don't want deals and steals to be the only thing I communicate. It's not really me. I fell like I would not be able to compete with the many inspired folks who can dedicate more time to couponing and deal hunting.  Instead, I'm going to continue to put forth quotes that I find inspiring and share the things I find and the things I think from my heart and my mind.

Much love ~ Susan

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