
Saturday, October 26, 2013

Quote of the Week, #6

With Halloween coming up, there are a lot of folks dressing up. Most of these are small children wearing costumers of the characters or things that they adore. The go out as ninjas, pirates, dragons, princesses, heroes, heroines; people or things with great power and presence. As if playing make-believe wasn't enough fun, they get to ask for treats - usually heaps of candy and small trinkets.

If only changing ourselves was as easy as changing our clothing, putting on a mask or face paint, and going out into the world to get rewarded for our changes. Most of us want to "dress-up" - be something that time, responsibility, the stuff of everyday living - gets in the way of.

A point that I try to remember is that whatever the goal I have in mind, it will only get done if I do it.  Wishing for magical powers or another form of instant change is futile. The very meaning of the word change is becoming different.  It is a cycle that takes time and one that we have to move through intentionally in order to get our world the way we want it.  Time moves and cycles without us.  Take control and make your own magic happen.

Have a safe Halloween.
~ Susan

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